Llanite, also known as Llano Rhyolite, Texan Que Sera and Vulcanite, is a type of rhyolitic igneous rock with hexagonal bi-pyramids. It has Quartz inclusions, Microcline and Plagioclase Feldspars, Biotite, Iron Oxides, Magnetite and other trace minerals that form a conglomerate all within a deep brown matrix. The blue coloration of the quartz is due to ilmenite inclusions.
Llanite is named after Llano County, Texas, the only place where it is found.
* Photos show all sides.
* Sizes, shapes and colors my vary due to being a natural stone, being hand-carved and/or difference in computer monitors.
Llanite • 37.6 grams
Llanite Stone
- Llano County, Texas
- 37.6 grams ~ 41x34x23mm
- Natural; Soft-Polished
- 50006LLR-37-6